Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog # 9

With all these new body scans being put in a lot of airports they are making a lot of people uncomfortable about flying. How does it affect my decision to fly? The answer is that it doesn't I really don't care if people see an almost naked picture of me. I’ve been through them before and all I did was go in it and just show a big old smile. And I don't feel like getting seen naked then I don't mind someone patting me down. I will be the one laughing when I start making them uncomfortable but complimenting them on their "very thorough" pat down. I can see where other people are coming from though. It is an invasion of privacy and some people are not comfortable with an outline of their naked body being shown. I can also see where tsa is coming from because they just want everyone to be safe and not have another 9/11, but I mean there’s a fine line between safety and going over the top.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hunter-Blog 7

I think that Mr. Trowbridge makes a good list of reasons on why tuition should be raised and i find myself agreeing with all of them. Lonestar is already cheaper then most community colleges around the country so raising it a tad bit wont affect anyone really in my opinion. I am glad that i wont be here next year. And i agree that the faculty budget is good wher eit's at right now and that the teachers here are top of the ine besides two past teachers ive had, but other then that they have all been great. My time here has been good and a small uprgrade in fee shouldn't ruin it for anyone in the near future.

Hunter-Blog 5

Daniel Tosh is a stand up comedian that lives in LA. He is the person i chose to do because he is the funniest person i know. He was born in Germany but he considers himself an American. I look up to him becuase right after college he went straight to doing stand up and has become one of the most popular stand up comedians around. He got so popular that Comedy Central hired him to star in his own show. I admire how he makes people laugh everyday and so i try and copy him and do the same thing. He is very sarcastic when he talks and i also have become very sarcastic border line ass holeish when i talk to people. They way he acts and views life are similar to me. I dont know what my life would be like with out him making my day so bright.

Hunter-Blog 4

1. Chad Ochocinco
2. Kevin Durant
1. Daniel Tosh
2. Bo Burnham
1. Father
2. Cousin Garrett
1. Ryan Reynolds
2. Robert Downey Jr.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog 3

There is only one way to make the ultimate sandwhich, and i shall tell you that way, free of charge. First you must choose the bread you like more, i suggest a sub, or regular slice of bread. Next you must get your meats and cheese. For the best combonation use roast beef, ham, and bacon. For cheese go america. Once you have the puzzle in place you must put it in the microwave to blast it with radiation on flavor. Once flovor is added get some ranch and poor it onto the sandwhich. Finally place on a plate and enjoy that heart attack on a plate.

How to have lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming means while you dream your mind itself knows it dreaming. Some people can master lucid dreaming so that they can control all the aspects of their dreams. By remembering your dreams every night is the basic thing you need to know in order to have lucid dreams. Doing this can help you remember what dreams you've had so that you can recognize that dream and in turn know when you are dreaming. Another way to help is to have naps. Having naps makes you fall into rem sleep sooner which is where you have your dreams. You also need to try and test reality while you dream. These tips will help you become an expert lucid dreamer

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Drinking Age

The drinking age should be lowered to the age of eighteen. The United States is one of the only countries that the drinking age is over eighteen. In America you can do die for your country, but if you want one little beer at a bar while you watch the game that my friend is illegal. At eighteen is when you really become an adult, you can smoke legally, you can join the army at eighteen, and you can do everything but drink in public. This law stops people from drinking about as well as prohibition stooped people from buying and consuming alcohol. I see fifteen year olds partaking in the act of underage drinking. Eighteen year olds are more than mature enough to handle the act or drinking legally, or they will just keep doing it illegally. The government thinks that they are stooping underage drinking by lowering the age, but in reality they aren’t people like drinking illegally, they like rebelling against the law it makes them feel good so by making the age eighteen you will in fact make less people drink. Drinking is a pastime that even are for fathers partaked in and our forefathers sons who were eighteen partaked in as well, so if the fathers of our country did it then why can’t we?